Querying Solr, getting result:
Extbase Variable Dump
array(4 items)
   extKey => 'solr' (4 chars)
   msg => 'Querying Solr, getting result' (29 chars)
   level => 'info' (4 chars)
   data => array(3 items)
      query string => 'magic oil' (9 chars)
      query parameters => array(29 items)
         omitHeader => 'false' (5 chars)
         wt => 'json' (4 chars)
         json.nl => 'flat' (4 chars)
         q => 'magic oil' (9 chars)
         start => 0 (integer)
         rows => 10 (integer)
         fl => '*,score' (7 chars)
         sort => 'custom_sorting_intS asc,score asc' (33 chars)
         fq => array(2 items)
            0 => 'siteHash:"185549043c5905a2cf53879e54696fcdeb4a7dce" OR siteHash:"7682d9ef8d6
               6880394f3591c7b2d5de2f8fbe818" OR siteHash:"7ffcdb160f88fdfaa6db34e5b33f107e
               a90b59f1" OR siteHash:"6f24aa8d003a09513631b535a867e323c385a9a2" OR siteHash
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               " OR siteHash:"24aec008230635c9784a3cfdc8aa43387f9378f2" OR siteHash:"9bac89
               57f89bd25e094d826eaba550ef1fe91bde" OR siteHash:"b390808324fd86044b19d54d3ba
               4ed360e301258" OR siteHash:"3c9f308ffac807095440554d5251f6fb57436465" OR sit
               eHash:"261a1d7813cb3acc818479ca2c76b3308fdcbb59" OR siteHash:"187b700f71712c
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               d707c" OR siteHash:"fb4030e4331e7dfcc656bdb3b4011f3e1a56afa0" OR siteHash:"d
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               R siteHash:"9622002c6cc86b0ffd19bbac4fe3250d1f6bf571" OR siteHash:"9a10cfbe8
               2993d88bdb7e04a16cd1cf33591e31c" OR siteHash:"a07c6abd6bd70f2e7c7dd50fa367a2
               4245072b58" OR siteHash:"7a5ddfdd4dc931df16ff5b28fa2f5d6506265878" OR siteHa
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               f7c7d3b0cd4bcd61f295b9d" OR siteHash:"050e243242125c558755ebec2ca57fe17c70f9
               9f" OR siteHash:"baf59053502ff6f7eaf2224b829bb5361e24079e" OR siteHash:"7754
               e6a062335b86debeef10d3fc67287b2c2e3d" OR siteHash:"df14484d371086efb46f5108a
               3e02c59a9766803" OR siteHash:"0875fb1730421f71075fdd77ad3b1a8076c4ed7e" OR s
               iteHash:"18f5672e309b4c2381764ba121e3c8e8cf621576" OR siteHash:"0ddc0af70ce0
               a30a592c232ea427760b77953f2e" OR siteHash:"1cb662bae5e30ef4b38d9ffe8a0025ecd
               a3278b3" OR siteHash:"9b4e20bbce931acea09aec3e5bf155c9bf55d524" OR siteHash:
               "e0de1dd0a76cdebda9ef6a5c7ced7483783af37a" OR siteHash:"5204f0de4c9b24c13aef
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                OR siteHash:"b430172a85...
' (5606 chars) 1 => '{!typo3access}-1,0' (18 chars)
defType => 'edismax' (7 chars) qf => 'title^5.0 cleaned_title_stringS^5.0 content pre_title_stringS usp_stringS ar
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            ntro_stringS additional_information_stringS location_stringS contract_string
            S belongs_to_brand_stringS belongs_to_country_stringS keywords navTitle abst
            ract teaser
' (391 chars) group => 'true' (4 chars) group.field => array(1 item) 0 => 'type' (4 chars) group.limit => 21 (integer) group.sort => '' (0 chars) group.ngroups => 'true' (4 chars) group.format => 'grouped' (7 chars) hl => 'true' (4 chars) hl.useFastVectorHighlighter => 'true' (4 chars) hl.method => 'fastVector' (10 chars) hl.fl => 'content' (7 chars) hl.fragsize => 200 (integer) hl.tag.pre => '<span class="results-highlight">' (32 chars) hl.tag.post => '</span>' (7 chars) hl.simple.pre => '<span class="results-highlight">' (32 chars) hl.simple.post => '</span>' (7 chars) spellcheck => 'true' (4 chars) spellcheck.collate => 'true' (4 chars) spellcheck.maxCollationTries => 1 (integer)
response => array(4 items) responseHeader => array(3 items) status => 0 (integer) QTime => 3 (integer) params => array(29 items) hl => 'true' (4 chars) fl => '*,score' (7 chars) hl.fragsize => '200' (3 chars) fq => array(2 items) 0 => 'siteHash:"185549043c5905a2cf53879e54696fcdeb4a7dce" OR siteHash:"7682d9ef8d6
                     6880394f3591c7b2d5de2f8fbe818" OR siteHash:"7ffcdb160f88fdfaa6db34e5b33f107e
                     a90b59f1" OR siteHash:"6f24aa8d003a09513631b535a867e323c385a9a2" OR siteHash
                     :"4ea553067fcd17e4f6a7fc24e81da49cb5f48fb2" OR siteHash:"7dafd6280af5fc02204
                     8fa4da6a12f75d7805a57" OR siteHash:"aa54841a77aa69ffc068a92e87016706f70d9e49
                     " OR siteHash:"24aec008230635c9784a3cfdc8aa43387f9378f2" OR siteHash:"9bac89
                     57f89bd25e094d826eaba550ef1fe91bde" OR siteHash:"b390808324fd86044b19d54d3ba
                     4ed360e301258" OR siteHash:"3c9f308ffac807095440554d5251f6fb57436465" OR sit
                     eHash:"261a1d7813cb3acc818479ca2c76b3308fdcbb59" OR siteHash:"187b700f71712c
                     c78c5d36e1698d570ac432da9c" OR siteHash:"0e70db0657f1a08cbb4f1b9b5c87607b75a
                     d707c" OR siteHash:"fb4030e4331e7dfcc656bdb3b4011f3e1a56afa0" OR siteHash:"d
                     f0ddee41e410a3a0b6208acb97d7030cd8edd94" OR siteHash:"63284501970594ace3e0e3
                     38e2b4be52f128710d" OR siteHash:"079329b9df04d010f169a084f5514565f0863003" O
                     R siteHash:"9622002c6cc86b0ffd19bbac4fe3250d1f6bf571" OR siteHash:"9a10cfbe8
                     2993d88bdb7e04a16cd1cf33591e31c" OR siteHash:"a07c6abd6bd70f2e7c7dd50fa367a2
                     4245072b58" OR siteHash:"7a5ddfdd4dc931df16ff5b28fa2f5d6506265878" OR siteHa
                     sh:"ecf45ad494d2a7eaa0f0703ad964055e631f3182" OR siteHash:"b7f8a7163d371cf21
                     f7c7d3b0cd4bcd61f295b9d" OR siteHash:"050e243242125c558755ebec2ca57fe17c70f9
                     9f" OR siteHash:"baf59053502ff6f7eaf2224b829bb5361e24079e" OR siteHash:"7754
                     e6a062335b86debeef10d3fc67287b2c2e3d" OR siteHash:"df14484d371086efb46f5108a
                     3e02c59a9766803" OR siteHash:"0875fb1730421f71075fdd77ad3b1a8076c4ed7e" OR s
                     iteHash:"18f5672e309b4c2381764ba121e3c8e8cf621576" OR siteHash:"0ddc0af70ce0
                     a30a592c232ea427760b77953f2e" OR siteHash:"1cb662bae5e30ef4b38d9ffe8a0025ecd
                     a3278b3" OR siteHash:"9b4e20bbce931acea09aec3e5bf155c9bf55d524" OR siteHash:
                     "e0de1dd0a76cdebda9ef6a5c7ced7483783af37a" OR siteHash:"5204f0de4c9b24c13aef
                     0db6fd235bc01c5e0d1c" OR siteHash:"adcc8d6c24096c10222cba23b0a941eb6c2ccf5e"
                      OR siteHash:"b430172a85...
' (5606 chars) 1 => '{!typo3access}-1,0' (18 chars)
spellcheck.maxCollationTries => '1' (1 chars) group.ngroups => 'true' (4 chars) hl.simple.pre => '<span class="results-highlight">' (32 chars) defType => 'edismax' (7 chars) hl.useFastVectorHighlighter => 'true' (4 chars) group.sort => '' (0 chars) qf => 'title^5.0 cleaned_title_stringS^5.0 content pre_title_stringS usp_stringS ar
                  ea_of_application_stringS benefit_feature_stringS delivery_content_stringS q
                  uality_seal_stringM articles_stringS subheadline_stringS shortdesc_stringS i
                  ntro_stringS additional_information_stringS location_stringS contract_string
                  S belongs_to_brand_stringS belongs_to_country_stringS keywords navTitle abst
                  ract teaser
' (391 chars) hl.fl => 'content' (7 chars) wt => 'json' (4 chars) group.field => 'type' (4 chars) group => 'true' (4 chars) hl.tag.pre => '<span class="results-highlight">' (32 chars) json.nl => 'flat' (4 chars) group.limit => '21' (2 chars) start => '0' (1 chars) sort => 'custom_sorting_intS asc,score asc' (33 chars) hl.tag.post => '</span>' (7 chars) rows => '10' (2 chars) q => 'magic oil' (9 chars) group.format => 'grouped' (7 chars) hl.simple.post => '</span>' (7 chars) omitHeader => 'false' (5 chars) spellcheck => 'true' (4 chars) hl.method => 'fastVector' (10 chars) spellcheck.collate => 'true' (4 chars)
grouped => array(1 item) type => array(3 items) matches => 16 (integer) ngroups => 3 (integer) groups => array(3 items) 0 => array(2 items) groupValue => 'tx_uzinutz_domain_model_product' (31 chars) doclist => array(5 items)max depth 1 => array(2 items) groupValue => 'tx_uzinutz_domain_model_reference' (33 chars) doclist => array(5 items)max depth 2 => array(2 items) groupValue => 'pages' (5 chars) doclist => array(5 items)max depth highlighting => array(16 items) b430172a852e0549b20a8dc86c61671721a2fa3f/tx_uzinutz_domain_model_product/11975 => array(1 item) content => array(1 item) 0 => 'Special tool for the application of <span class="results-highlight">MAGIC</s
                     pan> <span class="results-highlight">OIL</span> 2K ERGO while standing
' (146 chars)
b430172a852e0549b20a8dc86c61671721a2fa3f/tx_uzinutz_domain_model_product/12073 => array(1 item) content => array(1 item) 0 => 'applicator applied cross linking wood floor <span class="results-highlight">
                     oil</span> with natural <span class="results-highlight">oils</span> and waxe
                     s, drying by oxidisation after addition of hardener. Ergonomical use due to
                     the <span class="results-highlight">MAGIC</span> <span class="results-highli
                     ght">OIL</span> APPLICATOR.
' (331 chars)
b430172a852e0549b20a8dc86c61671721a2fa3f/tx_uzinutz_domain_model_product/12010 => array(1 item) content => array(1 item) 0 => 'Solvent-free 2-component trowel applied wood floor <span class="results-high
                     light">oil</span> with natural <span class="results-highlight">oils</span> a
                     nd waxes, drying by oxidisation and cross-linking after addition of hardener
' (228 chars)
b430172a852e0549b20a8dc86c61671721a2fa3f/tx_uzinutz_domain_model_product/16961 => array(1 item) content => array(1 item) 0 => 'Solvent-free 2-component wood flooring <span class="results-highlight">oil</
                     span> with natural <span class="results-highlight">oils</span> and waxes, cr
                     oss-linking and drying by oxidisation after addition of hardener
' (216 chars)
b430172a852e0549b20a8dc86c61671721a2fa3f/tx_uzinutz_domain_model_product/28318 => array(1 item) content => array(1 item) 0 => 'Solvent-free 2-component wood flooring <span class="results-highlight">oil</
                     span> with natural <span class="results-highlight">oils</span> and waxes, cr
                     oss-linking and drying by oxidisation after addition of hardener. Preserves
                     the natural colour of the wood and provides the so-called
' (285 chars)
b430172a852e0549b20a8dc86c61671721a2fa3f/tx_uzinutz_domain_model_product/11992 => array(1 item) content => array(1 item) 0 => 'Water-based <span class="results-highlight">oil</span> emulsion for refreshi
                     ng and maintaining impregnating <span class="results-highlight">oiled</span>
                      wood floors. With refresher effect.
' (188 chars)
b430172a852e0549b20a8dc86c61671721a2fa3f/tx_uzinutz_domain_model_reference/1645 => array(1 item) content => array(1 item) 0 => '<p><strong>The FC St. Pauli is cult irrespective of which league the club pl
                     ays with the Millerntor stadium being the centre of the action.</strong></p>
' (152 chars)
b430172a852e0549b20a8dc86c61671721a2fa3f/pages/11384/0/0/0 => array(1 item) content => array(3 items) 0 => 'due to the <span class="results-highlight">MAGIC</span> <span class="results
                     -highlight">OIL</span> APPLICATOR. Data sheet Display product <span class="r
                     esults-highlight">MAGIC</span> <span class="results-highlight">OIL</span> 2K
                      ORIGINAL Solvent-free 2-component wood floor <span class="results-highlight
                     ">oil</span> Solvent-free 2-component trowel applied wood floor <span class=
                     "results-highlight">oil</span> with natural <span class="results-highlight">
                     oils</span> and waxes
' (477 chars) 1 => '<span class="results-highlight">Oils</span> HARDWAXOIL Solvent-based 1-compo
                     nent rollable wood floor <span class="results-highlight">oil</span> Solvent-
                     based 1-component roller applied wood floor <span class="results-highlight">
                     oil</span> for heavy use areas Data sheet Display product <span class="resul
                     ts-highlight">MAGIC</span> <span class="results-highlight">OIL</span> 2K ERG
                     O Solvent-free
' (395 chars) 2 => 'hardener Data sheet Display product <span class="results-highlight">MAGIC</s
                     pan> <span class="results-highlight">OIL</span> 2K PURE Solvent-free 2-compo
                     nent wood floor <span class="results-highlight">oil</span> for a natural woo
                     d look Solvent-free 2-component wood flooring <span class="results-highlight
                     ">oil</span> with natural <span class="results-highlight">oils</span> and wa
                     xes, cross-linking and
' (402 chars)
b430172a852e0549b20a8dc86c61671721a2fa3f/pages/11379/0/0/0 => array(1 item) content => array(3 items) 0 => 'ing wood floor <span class="results-highlight">oils</span>. Data sheet Displ
                     ay product <span class="results-highlight">MAGIC</span> <span class="results
                     -highlight">OIL</span> CARE Care emulsion for refreshing <span class="result
                     s-highlight">oiled</span> wood floors Water-based <span class="results-highl
                     ight">oil</span> emulsion for refreshing and maintaining impregnating <span
                     class="results-highlight">oiled</span> wood floors. With
' (436 chars) 1 => 'sheet Display product ECO <span class="results-highlight">OIL</span> CARE Ca
                     re emulsion for ECO <span class="results-highlight">OIL</span> treated wood
                     floors Water-based care emulsion for initial and maintenance care on <span c
                     lass="results-highlight">oiled</span> wood floors, treated with ECO <span cl
                     ass="results-highlight">OIL</span> 1K. Also suitable for
' (360 chars) 2 => 'Products for <span class="results-highlight">oiled</span> wood flooring CLEA
                     N Neutral pH cleaner for wood floors Water-based cleaning agent for sealed a
                     nd <span class="results-highlight">oiled</span> wood and cork floors. Also s
                     uitable for PVC, linoleum, natural and artificial stone
' (283 chars)
b430172a852e0549b20a8dc86c61671721a2fa3f/pages/13516/0/0/0 => array(1 item) content => array(3 items) 0 => '5 Steps to "<span class="results-highlight">Magic</span> <span class="result
                     s-highlight">Oiling</span>" a wood floor This straight talking guide from th
                     e wood floor experts at PALLMANN will explain how to protect a wood floor wi
                     th the PALLMANN <span class="results-highlight">MAGIC</span> <span class="re
                     sults-highlight">OIL</span> system. <span class="results-highlight">Oiling</
                     span> a floor with
' (398 chars) 1 => 'Steps for the aftercare of <span class="results-highlight">oiled</span> wood
                      floors This 5 steps guide will take you through the aftercare of <span clas
                     s="results-highlight">oiled</span> wood floors. Your wood floor has been pro
                     tected by a PALLMANN <span class="results-highlight">MAGIC</span> <span clas
                     s="results-highlight">OIL</span> system. It is important
' (360 chars) 2 => 'with any of the PALLMANN <span class="results-highlight">MAGIC</span> <span
                     class="results-highlight">OIL</span> system products is usually best carried
                      out by a wood floor contractor who has been correctly trained in its applic
                     ation. View online 5 Steps to lacquering wood floors
' (280 chars)
b430172a852e0549b20a8dc86c61671721a2fa3f/pages/21306/0/0/0 => array(1 item) content => array(3 items) 0 => 'due to the <span class="results-highlight">MAGIC</span> <span class="results
                     -highlight">OIL</span> APPLICATOR. Data sheet Display product <span class="r
                     esults-highlight">MAGIC</span> <span class="results-highlight">OIL</span> 2K
                      ORIGINAL Solvent-free 2-component wood floor <span class="results-highlight
                     ">oil</span> Solvent-free 2-component trowel applied wood floor <span class=
                     "results-highlight">oil</span> with natural <span class="results-highlight">
                     oils</span> and waxes
' (477 chars) 1 => 'sheet Display product <span class="results-highlight">MAGIC</span> <span cla
                     ss="results-highlight">OIL</span> 2K ERGO Solvent-free 2-component wood floo
                     r <span class="results-highlight">oil</span>, ergonomical Solvent-free 2-com
                     ponent applicator applied cross linking wood floor <span class="results-high
                     light">oil</span> with natural <span class="results-highlight">oils</span> a
                     nd waxes, drying by
' (399 chars) 2 => 'hardener Data sheet Display product <span class="results-highlight">MAGIC</s
                     pan> <span class="results-highlight">OIL</span> CARE Care emulsion for refre
                     shing <span class="results-highlight">oiled</span> wood floors Water-based <
                     span class="results-highlight">oil</span> emulsion for refreshing and mainta
                     ining impregnating <span class="results-highlight">oiled</span> wood floors.
                      With refresher effect
' (402 chars)
b430172a852e0549b20a8dc86c61671721a2fa3f/pages/11367/0/0/0 => array(1 item) content => array(3 items) 0 => 'closing connection and termination joints Data sheet Display product <span c
                     lass="results-highlight">MAGIC</span> <span class="results-highlight">OIL</s
                     pan> APPLICATOR Tool Special tool for the application of <span class="result
                     s-highlight">MAGIC</span> <span class="results-highlight">OIL</span> 2K ERGO
                      while standing Display product PALLMANN ADHESIVE TROWEL Tool
' (365 chars) 1 => ' roller for water-based lacquers and primers Display product CLOTH FOR <span
                      class="results-highlight">OIL</span> WAX FINISHING Tool Cotton cloths for r
                     epolishing <span class="results-highlight">oiled</span> surfaces Display pro
                     duct FLOOR MOP Tool Floor mop for the application of
' (280 chars) 2 => ' ROLLER Tool Microfibre roller especially for the application of PALL-X PURE
                     , PALL-X ZERO and ECO <span class="results-highlight">OIL</span> 1K Display
                     product TELESCOPIC HANDLE LP220 Tool Telescopic handle for the application o
                     f primers and
' (241 chars)
b430172a852e0549b20a8dc86c61671721a2fa3f/pages/11300/0/0/0 => array(1 item) content => array(3 items) 0 => 'adhesives Surface treatment Fillers Primers Lacquers <span class="results-hi
                     ghlight">Oils</span> Color systems Special products Care & Maintenance Produ
                     cts for lacquered wood flooring Products for <span class="results-highlight"
                     >oiled</span> wood flooring Machines & Accessories Wood floor
' (289 chars) 1 => 'machines Pads for wood floor sanding machines Tools & accessories CORE PRODU
                     CT RANGE Online Catalogue <span class="results-highlight">Magic</span> <span
                      class="results-highlight">Oil</span> PALL-X Zero System Color Collection PA
                     LLMANN Spider PALL-X Filler Brush Technology Service Customer
' (289 chars) 2 => 'Distributor Parkettprofi Download-Center PALLMANN NEXGEN Knowledge Know-How
                     Watering wood floors before <span class="results-highlight">oiling</span> 5
                     Steps Guides Training Virtual Live Event PALLMANN P4 Promotion Social Compet
                     ition Terms and conditions
' (254 chars)
b430172a852e0549b20a8dc86c61671721a2fa3f/pages/11363/0/0/0 => array(1 item) content => array(3 items) 0 => 'Product Guide DOWNLOAD <span class="results-highlight">MAGIC</span> <span cl
                     ass="results-highlight">OIL</span> 2K SIMPLY <span class="results-highlight"
                     >MAGIC</span> <span class="results-highlight">MAGICALLY</span> SIMPLE Solven
                     t-free 2-component wood floor <span class="results-highlight">oil</span> wit
                     h natural <span class="results-highlight">oils</span> and waxes Product info
                     rmation PALL-X 98 The crowning glory among laquers. Water-based
' (443 chars) 1 => 'ion the go-to sup­plier for pro­fes­sional sur­face treat­ment sys­tems. Fil
                     lers Primers Lacquers <span class="results-highlight">Oils</span> Color syst
                     ems Special products Adhesion PALL­MANN wood floor ad­he­sives can han­dle t
                     he tough­est
' (240 chars) 2 => 'tai­lor made sys­tems of af­ter­care prod­ucts. Products for lacquered wood
                     flooring Products for <span class="results-highlight">oiled</span> wood floo
                     ring Machines & Accessories The PALL­MANN wood floor sand­ing ma­chines im­p
                     ress with tr
' (240 chars)
b430172a852e0549b20a8dc86c61671721a2fa3f/pages/11280/0/0/0 => array(1 item) content => array(3 items) 0 => 'floor sanding machines Tools & accessories News JOIN THE WINNING COUNTRY <sp
                     an class="results-highlight">MAGIC</span> <span class="results-highlight">OI
                     L</span> CHANGES EVERYTHING Regional and sustainable <span class="results-hi
                     ghlight">MAGIC</span> <span class="results-highlight">OIL</span> CHANGE More
                      information UZIN UTZ YOUR FLOOR. OUR PASSION. More information
' (367 chars) 1 => 'treatment systems. Surface treatment Fillers Primers Lacquers <span class="r
                     esults-highlight">Oils</span> Color systems Special products Surface treatme
                     nt Fillers Primers Lacquers <span class="results-highlight">Oils</span> Colo
                     r systems Special products TRAINING DAYS PALLMANN recognises
' (288 chars) 2 => 'Maintenance Products for lacquered wood flooring Products for <span class="r
                     esults-highlight">oiled</span> wood flooring Care & Maintenance Products for
                      lacquered wood flooring Products for <span class="results-highlight">oiled<
                     /span> wood flooring OUTDOOR SYSTEM The system for the surface
' (290 chars)
b430172a852e0549b20a8dc86c61671721a2fa3f/pages/11339/0/0/0 => array(1 item) content => array(2 items) 0 => 'entertainment space required a look which stood out from other grounds. For
                     project description <span class="results-highlight">MAGIC</span> <span class
                     ="results-highlight">OIL</span> 2K ERGO in the FC St.Pauli Millerntor – Stad
                     ium The FC St. Pauli is cult irrespective of which league
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                     olvent-free products Eco <span class="results-highlight">Oil</span> 1K and P
                     all-X Zero 2K. The company Rokett Berliner Holzböden was thus able to fulfil
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Search results for "magic oil"



MAGIC OIL 2K ERGO in the FC St.Pauli Millerntor – Stadium

The FC St. Pauli is cult irrespective of which league the club plays with the Millerntor stadium being the centre of the action.


  • Oils

    due to the MAGIC OIL APPLICATOR. Data sheet Display product MAGIC OIL 2K ORIGINAL Solvent-free 2-component wood floor oil Solvent-free 2-component trowel applied wood floor oil with natural oils and waxes [...] Oils HARDWAXOIL Solvent-based 1-component rollable wood floor oil Solvent-based 1-component roller applied wood floor oil for heavy use areas Data sheet Display product MAGIC OIL 2K ERGO Solvent-free [...] hardener Data sheet Display product MAGIC OIL 2K PURE Solvent-free 2-component wood floor oil for a natural wood look Solvent-free 2-component wood flooring oil with natural oils and waxes, cross-linking and

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  • Products for oiled wood flooring

    ing wood floor oils. Data sheet Display product MAGIC OIL CARE Care emulsion for refreshing oiled wood floors Water-based oil emulsion for refreshing and maintaining impregnating oiled wood floors. With [...] sheet Display product ECO OIL CARE Care emulsion for ECO OIL treated wood floors Water-based care emulsion for initial and maintenance care on oiled wood floors, treated with ECO OIL 1K. Also suitable for [...] Products for oiled wood flooring CLEAN Neutral pH cleaner for wood floors Water-based cleaning agent for sealed and oiled wood and cork floors. Also suitable for PVC, linoleum, natural and artificial stone

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  • 5 Steps Guides

    5 Steps to "Magic Oiling" a wood floor This straight talking guide from the wood floor experts at PALLMANN will explain how to protect a wood floor with the PALLMANN MAGIC OIL system. Oiling a floor with [...] Steps for the aftercare of oiled wood floors This 5 steps guide will take you through the aftercare of oiled wood floors. Your wood floor has been protected by a PALLMANN MAGIC OIL system. It is important [...] with any of the PALLMANN MAGIC OIL system products is usually best carried out by a wood floor contractor who has been correctly trained in its application. View online 5 Steps to lacquering wood floors

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  • Core Product Range

    due to the MAGIC OIL APPLICATOR. Data sheet Display product MAGIC OIL 2K ORIGINAL Solvent-free 2-component wood floor oil Solvent-free 2-component trowel applied wood floor oil with natural oils and waxes [...] sheet Display product MAGIC OIL 2K ERGO Solvent-free 2-component wood floor oil, ergonomical Solvent-free 2-component applicator applied cross linking wood floor oil with natural oils and waxes, drying by [...] hardener Data sheet Display product MAGIC OIL CARE Care emulsion for refreshing oiled wood floors Water-based oil emulsion for refreshing and maintaining impregnating oiled wood floors. With refresher effect

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  • Tools & accessories

    closing connection and termination joints Data sheet Display product MAGIC OIL APPLICATOR Tool Special tool for the application of MAGIC OIL 2K ERGO while standing Display product PALLMANN ADHESIVE TROWEL Tool [...] roller for water-based lacquers and primers Display product CLOTH FOR OIL WAX FINISHING Tool Cotton cloths for repolishing oiled surfaces Display product FLOOR MOP Tool Floor mop for the application of [...] ROLLER Tool Microfibre roller especially for the application of PALL-X PURE, PALL-X ZERO and ECO OIL 1K Display product TELESCOPIC HANDLE LP220 Tool Telescopic handle for the application of primers and

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  • Sitemap

    adhesives Surface treatment Fillers Primers Lacquers Oils Color systems Special products Care & Maintenance Products for lacquered wood flooring Products for oiled wood flooring Machines & Accessories Wood floor [...] machines Pads for wood floor sanding machines Tools & accessories CORE PRODUCT RANGE Online Catalogue Magic Oil PALL-X Zero System Color Collection PALLMANN Spider PALL-X Filler Brush Technology Service Customer [...] Distributor Parkettprofi Download-Center PALLMANN NEXGEN Knowledge Know-How Watering wood floors before oiling 5 Steps Guides Training Virtual Live Event PALLMANN P4 Promotion Social Competition Terms and conditions

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  • Product Guide

    Product Guide DOWNLOAD MAGIC OIL 2K SIMPLY MAGIC MAGICALLY SIMPLE Solvent-free 2-component wood floor oil with natural oils and waxes Product information PALL-X 98 The crowning glory among laquers. Water-based [...] ion the go-to sup­plier for pro­fes­sional sur­face treat­ment sys­tems. Fillers Primers Lacquers Oils Color systems Special products Adhesion PALL­MANN wood floor ad­he­sives can han­dle the tough­est [...] tai­lor made sys­tems of af­ter­care prod­ucts. Products for lacquered wood flooring Products for oiled wood flooring Machines & Accessories The PALL­MANN wood floor sand­ing ma­chines im­press with tr

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  • [PALLMANN] United Kingdom

    floor sanding machines Tools & accessories News JOIN THE WINNING COUNTRY MAGIC OIL CHANGES EVERYTHING Regional and sustainable MAGIC OIL CHANGE More information UZIN UTZ YOUR FLOOR. OUR PASSION. More information [...] treatment systems. Surface treatment Fillers Primers Lacquers Oils Color systems Special products Surface treatment Fillers Primers Lacquers Oils Color systems Special products TRAINING DAYS PALLMANN recognises [...] Maintenance Products for lacquered wood flooring Products for oiled wood flooring Care & Maintenance Products for lacquered wood flooring Products for oiled wood flooring OUTDOOR SYSTEM The system for the surface

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  • Overview

    entertainment space required a look which stood out from other grounds. For project description MAGIC OIL 2K ERGO in the FC St.Pauli Millerntor – Stadium The FC St. Pauli is cult irrespective of which league [...] 000 square metres of parquet flooring were sanded and refurbished with the solvent-free products Eco Oil 1K and Pall-X Zero 2K. The company Rokett Berliner Holzböden was thus able to fulfil the client's wish

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